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Healey Silverstone Datenblatt Chassis-Nr.: E 56

first Reg.No.: KLJ 672

Reg.No: NXR 985

known owners:
Wharfdale garage  July 1950        
Mr Leslie Onslow Bartlett  1950
David Lewis   July 1950 – 1951
G.R. Stokes 1951 – 1954 -
T. Starley    - 1955
D. Scott McDonald  Scotland 1955 -?
W. Bristow 1950’s
Owners unknown from 1955



more information on RacingSportsCars

1950 Goodwood 6th May driver Leslie Onslow Bartlett.
1950 Slverstone BRDC Production Sports Car race  driver David Lewis
1950 Goodwood 21st April  driver H.A.A. Stokes
1950 Alpine Rally driver L Onslow Bartlett
1951 Goodwood 16th June Driver H A A Stokes
1951 14th May National Gamston races  driver Tony Stokes 2nd overall
1951 30th June National Boreham races  driver Tony Stokes 2nd overall

    Car entered into the 1950 Production Sports car race at Silverstone driver D. Lewis




Special body put on car in ?1953 copying the Le Mans car X5

It is definitely E 56. The full width body was put on in about 1953 and disappeared in 1955.It looks identical to the Le Mans car X 5 except it is right hand drive while the LeMans car was left hand drive.
Before the body was changed it had the registration number KLJ 672


. . . . . the original E 56 is back

. . . at the moment (summertime 2012) for restoration by Classic Restorations (Sales) Ltd

for sale . . . Sept. 2012

Fotos des E 56


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